Monday, March 01, 2010

Little Blessings from God

Since a little before Raina divorced me on January 5th, I've been struggling with insomnia off and on. I've never had this problem before... problems getting to sleep, but not problems staying asleep... no matter how tired and desperate for sleep and physical/mental healing, and even with the help of Bendryl or Trazodone and Ambien and Lamictal, I've sometimes woken up after 2 hours and not been able to sleep.

This considering that I can no longer pull all-nighters and cannot function without pretty regular sleep (I'm getting old and decrepit).

I was very worried that I wouldn't be able to sleep after yesterday's all nighter.

Praise the Lord, but I was. I was such that I forgot to turn off the heating pad (but kicked it out during the night), didn't put my glasses away properly, forgot to put on my eye mask and my CPAP mask, and didn't notice when, in the middle of the night that my orange juice on the nightstand got knocked to the floor.

18+ hours of healing and I didn't even mind mopping up the orange juice this morning.

Thank you God.

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